Monday 12 October 2009

Flower Power...

Good Evening Blogets!
I found a few hours this morning to catch up on some card orders. I had to make a floral card for Auntie Lily and I liked it so much I made one for Grandma aswell.

So here is the card for Grandma.

I added a computer message with ribbon to the centre of the card which was covered with some gorgeous American Traditions Lime green paper.
I couldn't resist adding a couple of wooden ladybirds in different sizes.

It really looks like she is peeking through the flowers. I really like how these have turned out and I will show you the other one tomorrow!

I've had a houseful this evening as my little one had 2 friends for tea and I invited a friend in for a cuppa with her 2 children so all together 6 of them in and out! (The other one is my eldest...just in case you thought I couldn't count)
I'm having breakfast with a friend first thing tomorrow and then doing tea and chat with another friend at 2pm! So much for keeping Monday and Tuesday for cardmaking!
Hope you pop back for a quick peep again....bye!!!


  1. Really flowery!!! What an array of gorgeous flowers.

  2. Hi Sally
    They are boards that came free with magazines so I don't know if they would work in a machine, sorry, maybe I should mention that on my post.

  3. Oh Sally
    These are fun and funky cards, I really do love them
    Caroline xx

  4. Wow! I love these cards. They are so bright and cheerfull.


  5. Morning Sally,
    your cards are beautiful and lovely..
    Great colours and wonderful flowers.

    Have a nice day.
