Wednesday 7 October 2009

What's on your desk wednesday?

Hi all...
Just a quickie as I have been at school all day and I am pooped!
I thought I would join in the fun at WOYDW but mine is more 'What's on your Dining Table Wednesday?'
I have just moved this table from the kitchen back into the Dining room/My work room in preparation for Christmas and put 2 glass breakfast bars and stools which I was working on back in the kitchen.
I keep promising hubby that it will be cleared up soon!
Back tomorrow with this weeks card orders...Bye for now.


  1. Great table of stash ... and I know I should n't be this nosey ... I love your chairs too :0)

  2. Looks a bit like mine,Sally.....I do manage to occasionally clear it so that we can actually eat!!

  3. You seem to have an impressive number of finished cards on your desk! Love the idea tha tyou've moved it back into the Dining room with the intention of using it at Christmas. Where will all the stuff go! Enjoyed browsing your blog this evening, and thanks for WOYWW-ing..silly but fun, huh!

  4. Great work space Sally , I think in years to come new houses will be built with x amount of bedrooms a dinning room a utility room and a craftroom for use girls to play in !! Lol
    I must be nice when the girl come and pull up a chair to craft with you
    See you next Wednesday
    Hugs Susie xx

  5. So glad i am not the only one who does not use a dinning table for food, but craft.
    love your space, and so many finished cards..

  6. Have just found you from Julia's WOYWW and wanted to say how beautiful your cards are. A x

  7. love your crafting table ~ what we crafters put up with!!
    should photo mine (a coffee table with an ikea childs green plastic chair ~ knees up by my ears!!~ so comfy!!)
