Thursday 22 October 2009

Wild Rose Studio Xmas paper

Evening ladies...
It's been another busy week and I still have an action packed day tomorrow.
I am showing you some more beautiful paper from the Wild Rose Studio Christmas CD and this time I wanted to use this pretty poisetta paper printed in pink to make a goody bag.

The template for the bag is from Papermania and is really easy to make.

I cut and decoupaged one of the flowers for the gift tag and added some glitter, beads and ribbon! I think these would be great on the dinner table with a little gift/sweets inside.

So I am doing Art tomorrow morning with Year 3/4 and have the AGM of the Parents committee in the afternoon. I have done my 2 years as Chair so am passing the torch on to another member of the group. Lots of paperwork and handouts prepared for that. I met with my assessor today and I have passed another 2 units of my NVQ and have 3 others already half way done!
I'm off to watch some T.V with my hubby now..nearly forgotten what he looks like!
Thanks for dropping by.....Take care...Bye for now!


  1. Really pretty paper,Sally....made into a lovely bag.Sounds like your busy as ever.

  2. Hi Sally, good to hear from you! Lovely bag, really cute paper. I hope you are well...seem really busy! All is well with me thanks, just looking forward to my holiday. Take care, Han xxx

  3. gorgeous goody bag ~love the sparkle!!
    vanessa xx

  4. Hi Sally, how beautiful is that bag?! Wow - so impressed with your creativity :-) Lovely finishing with the 3D scallop thing too! Dulc xx
