Saturday 21 November 2009

Can't have enough' Pink and Sparkly' stuff!!

Happy Saturday morning everyone.....
I am happy to report that after our jet set lifestyle of late I am having a stay at home blogging and blobbing day!
We went to the pictures last night and saw 'A Christmas Carol' in 3D. The last event to celebrate our daughters Birthday!!
We took 5 girls with us who all shreiked and squealed through it...absolutely Incredible...Amazing!!We all loved it!! Do go and see it if you can!!!

Today's pictures show a candy prize that I won in a Craftbubble competition...

Lots of girly handbag and shoe die cuts...glittery Princess paper!
I sent this card to my friends daughter who was 16 a few days ago!

Now, I haven't caught up with any challenges this week so I am going to do some cards today I hope.
Girls are having haircuts today so in between all that I am going to check a few out and continue doing Christmas cards. I have my first fair next Friday!
So... Hope you all have a good day crafting and I will see you back here for more chat and cards! Bye for now!!!


  1. This is perfect for a teenage girl,Sally...lovely prize to have won.
    Hope you manage to get some cardmaking done today.....there's a blog hop on my blog if you fancy popping over.

  2. Wouldn't this have gone great for this weeks challenge Sally, the one you put in was fantastic but I love the papers on this one. Fab card.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  3. Wow Sally these are great , like Tracy said they would have made a great card for the Sassy challenge
    Hugs Susie xx
