Thursday 24 December 2009

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Hi all...
This is my last post for a few days as we are leaving for my sister's in about an hour. The car is jam packed with presents and bags!

Today's card is the last order that I was given...a family of snails!
Thanks again to Susie who had these cute die cuts.

I do hope that you all have a very 'Happy Christmas Day' and Boxing Day spent with family and friends!
See you back here in a couple of days....♥


  1. A very happy christmas to you too.

  2. Hope you have a great Christmas too! x

  3. Oh how I hope you will have a splendid New Year - all that fab craft shopping you can do in New York!! Happy Birthday hubby too.
    Speak to you next year!!!!

  4. Jan 4th - this is to welcome you back from New York - hope you had a fab time and look forward to reading all about it.
