Thursday 21 January 2010

Penny Black Saturday Challenge...Colour Combo

Helloooo...Phew ..made it back on the computer!
Today's card is for the Penny Black Saturday Challenge and this week it was to use a colour combination of Blue, Cream and Gold....

This is my favourite and most used PB stamp...I love this little Honey Bee! I layered some blue gingham paper and some cream handmade paper onto a blank lemon card.

I decided to make it a Mum card and used these message labels with gold script!

Then I added lots of layered up paper flowers in the 3 colours with brad centres. My little honey bees flew all around and landed where they will!

I'm off taking my little one to her swimming lesson soon, so just time to do a cup of tea and a snack.
NVQ file is off with the internal verifier to get checked out so no writing tonight...maybe some colouring in while watching BB. Hubby and I laughed so much last night at the 'Tree of Temptation' telling Dane Bowers to put Chilli powder in the dinner...Hilarious!
Hope to see you back here soon!


  1. Such a pretty card,Sally...and you're right about that's so cute.

  2. super cute.... those little buzzy your take on the colour combo...thanks for joining in the fun this week at PBSC...hugs kath xxxxx

  3. Brilliant card!!! a very very worthy winner!! well done Sally xxx
