Monday 11 January 2010

Pick 3 Challenge with Muffin Tilda

Good Evening ladies...
Well I guess I couldn't hide away forever...
School was open today so I had to venture out slipping and sliding up the road at 8.30am with the girls. Then there was a cuppa and a catch up with my friend Sophie until 11am. My NVQ file was staring at me when I got home so I sat in the kitchen and did a few pages of my next workpack...then it was time to get the girls again...get reminded by a teacher of a New years Resolution display that I had promised to help with and picked up 2 card orders....and so it begins again.

Over on Denise Clarks Stamping Vacation blog she asks that you to join in the 'Pick 3 Challenge'....

From her list of things to use on a card I chose...

1. Use any image with wings...Little Muffin Tilda

2. Use any colour you might see in the sky....Pale blue/Lilac

3. Start your card from a piece of patterned paper...I looked at this cute paper with little berries and leaves on it and thought of the berries on Tildas muffin then matched the colours. Hubby is 40 tomorrow! I am off into town to meet a friend to get a few foody treats for him. We have an 80's Disco on Saturday Night so I am looking to buy legwarmers and lace tights for my 'Like a Virgin' Madonna look!
If you are all very good I may post up some embarrassing photos next week... Bye for now♥


  1. Adorable card, smashing Tilda. Please wish Mr Sally a Happy Fortieth Birthday

  2. Hi Sally, Gorgeous card! I love the pretty colours and sweet Tilda.

    Lisa x

  3. Gorgeous card,Sally.
    Am trying to imagine your outfit....definately photos please!!!!!!

  4. Oh you wouldn't deny us some photo's Sally. Hope hubby has a great birthday. I know you'll all have a fantastic time at the weekend. Beautiful card. Love the sparkley cake and the paper with the little berries on is so sweet. Lauren x

  5. oh adorable ,sweet tilda card ~love the colour combo ~so delicate!!
    happy shopping!
    vanessa xx

  6. I can see why you would start with the particular paper. It is gorgeous! Love it! This Tilda is perfect with this! Love the different patterns you put together! The flower is a great added touch and the sentiment is just perfect! Wonderful card!

    Thanks so much for participating in the PICK 3 Challenge!
