Thursday 14 January 2010

Susie's Sassy Challenge #6

Good Afternoon Ladies...
Over at Susie's Sassy Challenge, DT member Tracy chose a great theme for you to join in with...a card for a boy with the optional extra if you like, to include an animal.
I really needed to bump up my stock of boys cards so this Woodware Clear magic stamp set was just perfect! It's called 'Playtime' and also features a boy on a scooter and on a bike. (I have some cards to show these next time).

There are lots of little added extras like different balls, stars and messages.
I coloured in with Promarkers.

I used some natural garden twine and buttons to match to add some interest. No ribbon or flowers allowed this time. Pop over to Susie's blog and check out all the other DT cards and then make your own, link it up and we can all come and visit your blog!

I am off see my dentist tomorrow morning as I have had a toothache for a few days which is especially painful when I am laying down at night and obviously when I eat. I hope he can sort out what's wrong so I can enjoy Hubby's 80's night on Saturday!
Oh, and by the way....Hubby chose the Maverick 'Top Gun' flight suit with mirror Aviator glasses!
Thanks for your to you all soon...Bye♥


  1. Lovely card for a boy,Sally....will try and join this challenge as I definately need some boy cards.
    Hope you get the tooth fixed....nothing as bad as toothache.

  2. perfect boy card ~ love that image and love the striking colour combo!!
    hope the dentist gets that tooth sorted!
    vanesssa xx

  3. Poor you, hope you get shot of the toothache tomorrow then. YAY Top Gun - hope it will all go off rather well - take piccies!

  4. Ooops forgot to say - love the card!

  5. Lovely card. I love all the details and the fab images. Hope you get your tooth sorted out. Lauren x

  6. Love this one Sally nice bright colours just what we need to cheer us up on these dull winter day
    Hugs Susie x

  7. Oh, this is so cute! What a sweet image for a boy! I love the colors you used and your papers! ...and Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog!
