Wednesday 21 April 2010

Boo Bear and WOYWW?

Hello to you on another sunny morning...So first of all a card....Boo bear!

This card started off with the button background card which came out of a Patchwork Pals was the pop out insert of a window card! So I sorted out some buttons to match...

Used a sentiment and some blue gingham ribbon and thought it would be best suited to a baby card.

Die cut a Grey Boo Bear and then layered with handmade paper torn around the edges. Then sewed them altogether! I'm entering this card into the following challenges...

1. Die Cut Dreams...'Tear Something'
2. Allsorts...'In Stitches'
3. The Crafty Pad...'Stitching'

So..It's 'Whats on your Workdesk Wednesday?' time and is my desk still as tidy as last week? Come into my dining room and see....

YES IT IS!!!! Hurray! I have enjoyed the space and put everything away after each card this week.

Re-organised my essentials basket so that lots of things can be taken off the table all in one go which will be happening on Friday as I am having 'The Girls' over for some nibbles to celebrate a birthday in the hols last week!

I really wanted to use the Dining room now that the summer is coming and just in case you thought that we were all sitting eating meals on our laps in front of the TV for the past few years...this is where we have been eating in the kitchen.

It seems that we all love looking around each others houses as I got loads of comments last week! What a nosey lot we are!
Thanks for stopping by and come back and visit soon! Bye♥


  1. Very cute card, Sally. I love the colours and the image you used.
    Hugs, Manuela

  2. that card is just so gorgeous! his little eyes would melt your heart, love your basket you use to keep and your bit and pieces together and those little boxes with buttons on them are adorable....god dont we love a good nosey! hugs mandyxx

  3. Hi Sally

    gorgeous workspace so tidy!!! I love the card gorgeous soft colourtones


  4. that card is as cute as a button - lovely colours!!!!

    Very tidy table this week - did you polish as well LOL

    Essentials all look tidy too = well done!!!...

    Paula x x x

  5. Great card and oh so tidy ... well done you!

  6. Fabulous project and clinically tidy workspace! If only I could aspire to such neatness!

  7. Really love that card and your crafting space is looking very tidy :-)
    A x

  8. Sweet sweet card. Love that the baskets are working so well, and get you, clearing up at the end - how great a discipline is that!

  9. Nice tidy desk and your card is brilliant I love the stitching.

  10. Lovely card Sally, thanks for joining us at DCD.

  11. love the soft colours on the card!

  12. Wow, thats a very tidy craft area!!!!
    Love the card xx

  13. Cute card, and a very tidy craft area. Hugs Pam x

  14. Oooh lovely tidy workspace. :)
    Your card is gorgeous and your stitching is just fabby. :)
    Thanks for joining us at The Crafty Pad. :)

    xxDebbie The Crafty Pad

  15. Yep Since I have decided after struggling for more than 3yrs taking things off and on the dinning table craft finally won so what you see at mine is the dinning table lol When one of my boys move than maybe I will use their room but that would ssem horrid just in case they need it back so dining room has become craft room.

    I love that you have the space for both, and very tidy too. I also have that die and I love the colours and buttons you chose

    Love Dawn xx

  16. Arn't you just the goodest girly keeping all your stash in to top tidyness.. i love your basket'of'bits

  17. Love your "essentials" basket. Your kitchen is amazing!!!!

  18. cute card. love your kitchen.

  19. Lol. loving everything about this post. Your card is so sweet and I love how your basket storage is working for you, great kitchen too, looks like WOYWW is evolving into a house tour!!


  20. That card is lovely Sally...perfect for a new baby!

    I love your kitchen....this Wednesday thing is great for noseying round everyones spaces!

  21. Fab work space. Love Boo the Bear too!!


  22. I too have to tidy up after every crafting session. It's a real inspiration killer, knowing I have to put things away even if they're unfinished! Beautiful kitchen you have there.

  23. Great card, and you are so organized. I would think that having to put things away mean you don't ditter about - you get it done? ikki

  24. Lovely card and work space soo tidy! Love your kitchen but also VERY tidy! Mine has been a mess all week - will tidy up tomorrow - today is reserved for WOYWW!

  25. Beautiful card and that table is

  26. Lovely card, but I need a lay down now your workdesk is soooo tidy.


  27. Love your bear card!! Lovely colour and he's sooo cute!! Resizing< I'm learning all the time and then I forget (such a pea brain!) I've just been drawing some pictures and then resizing them, if you need any help with yours send us an email!
    (it's on my complete profile!)


  28. Beautiful card, lovely die-cut image :) Plenty of room in the kitchen to eat anyway :)
    Anne xx

  29. Such a cute card, great colours.
    Thanks for joining ALLSORTS this week
    Hugz Fleur xXx

  30. Love that Bear cute ...great card. I love the look of your kichen ...nice cooker

  31. Wow, I'm awe of your continued neatness and upkeep. I remember it looked as good last week, so picking things up all the time is really the way to go. BTW, I love your kitchen. Have a happy rest of WOYWW.

  32. You keep your space so neat! I love the Boo Bear - very cute (or should I say Beary cute! lol!)

  33. Hi Sally! Oooh how lovely to see inside your house! (we're definitely a nosey lot aren't we ;-) I love your kitchen!!! Specially the oven..I dream of having a nice big range cooker like that one day ;-) Congrats on the tidy work space too! I have an essentials box as well, it's so handy! Dulcie xx

  34. I love your card, beautiful use of tearing and the stitching is so pretty.

    Wow your work space is tidy, I wish wish wish I could get into the habbit of clearing up after every card

    Great to see you at Die Cut Dreams

  35. I love the soft colours you've used in that card and I love your home too and a bit envious of that little girl-I've got two boys Ha Ha 40 and 42 now plus three stepsons so not much girliness in our house then. Luckily I've got two sisters who are both talented in the craft department. Now did I say I need your cooker too-I don't really -it would not be used 'cos I'm too busy crafting to cook! Hugs BettyXXX

  36. Aha resizing -I knew there was a reason I popped over-are you doing it in a graphics programme?I use publisher but there are others. Also you can probably print with different sizes of paper in your printer. Check the properties,paper sizes etc. and this will resize it. Trouble is I'm a bit of a bumbler myself and it's difficult if you're not sitting at the side of someone Love betty

  37. Should say love those little girls-told you I bumble through!

  38. ooh nice tidy desk, i love it!!! love that card too - very stunning xx

  39. Hi Sally
    It's great innit! I love having a nose round everyones desk and I LOVE all the comments, really boosts my day...what a sad person I am!
    Looking forward to the weekend cos it's me birthday on Sunday!

  40. Utterly adorable card, and great stitching too. Thank you for joining us at The Crafty Pad this week. Good luck in the draw.
    Hugs Suzi x
