Wednesday 14 April 2010

WOYWW? Not a lot!!!

Hi all...What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday? Julia at 'Stamping Ground' asks this question every week.
I have been doing some tidying up.... and here is the evidence! can see the wood!

I have cleared away, put away and thrown away...I moved the table so the edge was right under the window.

Gosh, we could even have a meal in here now!!! We eat in the kitchen on the breakfast bar usually.

I moved this unit from my daughters bedroom and now have all my things in the drawers. It is so tidy! I love it!

This is the only project on the go at the mo...a finished card order for a neighbour and some pink pearl paper daisies that I have been distressing. I used some new buttons for the centre and hope that I can do some challenges today!
We spent a lovely day at a friend's house was so sunny and warm we sat in the garden. Today...not so nice...socks back on!
Have a good day and see you back here soon with some new cards and chat...Bye♥


  1. Great WOYWW and oh my, how fabulously organised! Beautiful chunk of table you have there - enjoy!

  2. I love the table! Well done on getting so organised.

  3. Wow. Wood! you have made a fab job of tidying up.
    Now go and get messy :-)
    A x

  4. Very tidy, love the storage and the chairs :) Lovely card.
    Anne xx

  5. Wonderfully organised space you've got there, question is will you keep it like that?

  6. what a lovely table you have - a real shame to hide it with crafting... then again LOL!!!

    Paula x x x

  7. i like those pink flowers, very cute!!! your table is tidy!!! i love it xxx

  8. Hiya,

    you are so organised! your space is gorgeous, I just love your table and chairs :O)


  9. What a gorgeous table - now you need to go and mess it up!!

  10. Great spacious table you have, and your stash is very well organised. Have a lovely evening. Tracy Evans (

  11. What a lovely tidy work space and all the stash is super organised....can you come over and tidy up mine??? Ha, ha...

  12. I love it, too. Nice organization with all the supplies you have. I could work in your space.

    Sorry I'm so late visiting, and on my first ever WOYWW. Unexpected company interrupted my computer time today. I'll be back because it's really a neat place to make art.

  13. I love when you see the wood! though it never lasts long! gorgeous cards xx

  14. I love your table and I love how organised it all is.

  15. I do like that dining room set, right up my street. So what you're saying here is that your stash is now nice and tidy but your daughters room is a mess, lol??? Post a photo of how your garden looks now, before you start on any work, I really like before and after shots!


  16. OOoo love your table Sally.....and very organised workspace!

  17. Super job on cleaning and organizing. Looks really great.

  18. Oh very neat indeed, it does feel great to be organised untill it gets messy agin that is lol. love your die storage, think i may need some of those for all my new timmy dies

  19. a sock type of day here too! Doesn't it feel good to start with a fresh and clean desk...too bad it doesn't last long LOL!

  20. Congrats on the tidy up..when I do that it normally inspires me to make a mess again!! ;-) Dulcie xx
