Monday 17 May 2010

Family Baptism card

Hi there all....
I have managed to log on...I thought my new laptop would give me some freedom from waiting for the main computer but then other things popped up.
This baptism card order was given to me and was kinda urgent, then I saw a temporary teaching assistants job that I just had to apply for. So the CV had to be updated and forms filled in and this afternoon I have been for a tour of the school.

So lots going on including market stall meeting at 9.30am this morning and school Summer Fair meeting today at 3.30pm.

This baptism card was for four children in the same family and the brief was keep it simple as long as it had a cross on it and their names and the date.
Must away to collect girls from school now... I shall be back on later to hop around to see some of you and to catch up on some challenges.
Bye for now....


  1. It'a perfect Sally, great job - 4 names on one card would be a problem if the brief had been to complicate it!! Thanks for your sewing advice; I'm coping thanks to brief love affairs with the machine over the years. Miss Dunnit is 16 years and 10 months, so yes, she's helping!!

  2. A beautiful,simple card,Sally...perfect for the occasion.
    Good luck with the job...hope it's what you're after.

  3. Love this card Sally
    Good luck with the TA application hope all goes well
    Caroline x x
