Thursday 24 June 2010

Georgie's first birthday!

Today is the first afternoon that I have been in this week so I have been watching some Wimbledon and I just have time to post up a card before the girls get home from school. It is a special order for someone...A first Birthday for Georgie.

I used Boo bear Die and had him holding a ballooon....

The background paper has little cupcakes on it and I put a tiny pink gem where the cherry on the top is...

There isn't much crafting going on at the mo...I am just finishing my second week at my new job, now working every morning til 12.30pm and Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon I have been welcoming new reception parents with Tea and Cake as part of my parent committee duties. Sunday afternoon is the School Summer fair, which this year is in the grounds of a local Hilton hotel. They have told us the football will be on in the bar!
Just about to watch the continuation of the fantastic Manut/Isner tennis match.
How fit are they???? Incredible stamina!!
Thanks for popping by! Bye for now....


  1. Super cared Sally and so glad to hear that your new job seems to be going really well for you.
    Enjoy the tennis!

  2. Great card sally, love the little bear. I got these papers from my craft shop last week too, just got to make a card with them now!

  3. Very cute card....enjoy the tennis.

  4. This is just darling!! Love the bear, so precious!
