Wednesday 2 June 2010

What's on your Workdesk Wednesday?

Hello there and Happy Birthday to WOYWW!. Julia started this a year ago and how we all love loooking around everyones desk and spying on their unfinished projects and their work space. Well done for such a brilliant idea Julia!
My desk today...It's got a little bit more on it than the last few weeks as I have had a couple of full days production going on...and I had friends visit yesterday and we did lunch and some craft shopping.
Some buttons being sorted into colour , ready to be put away/used?

Some boy teen cards in the making....

and how about this little cutie, hard at work at her desk ie: garden table.

She is painting a cardboard toilet roll.

So there you have a little peek at what's going on at my house today....
I must get back to work and do some more cards...pop back tomorrow if you want to see the finished articles!
Bye for now....


  1. Love the buttons..............very jealous!!

    Thanks for sharing


  2. lovely busy workspace, fab that your little girl is joining in too. Buttons make me go weak at the knees, I just love them.

  3. OOoo buttons!! let me at them!lol
    I have a few of those images I love them for boys cards!
    Your wee one is your double!

  4. Those buttons are fab Sally and can't wait to see the finished teenage cards too! Can we also have a photo of the finished red toilet roll and what it turned into? LOL. Hugs, Claire x

  5. Gorgeous stash on that beautiful table this week and your apprentice is so cute!!


  6. how nice to have such a cheerful little helper =)

  7. nice buttons and love those images, and of course your little helper

  8. Wow...Busy busy desk ,i just love it when my girls join in.Adore all your colourful buttons,hope you had a great WOYWW day!
    hugs judex

  9. So cute girl ! Thanks for sharing !

  10. Thanks for sharing your beautiful pics! Jo x

  11. The painted loo roll looks brill!!

  12. Those buttons are so colorful. What is it about buttons, anyway? They look good on their own. Your work desk is really great today, and I would love to have your patio table and the weather to craft in it. Happy WOYWW.

  13. I love buttons :-) How lovely to see your young crafter in full flow :-)
    A x

  14. Wonderful buttons, I agree. your dd looks like she's having lots of fun.

  15. Yummy buttons - will be watching to see ifyou watch or hoard....! Like the teenager boy cards, great stuff, and frightfully neat. And look at the concentration on your sweetie's lovely. And what is the toilet roll destined to be. Apart from red?

  16. Love your 'little one' crafting away at her desk.
    Sounds perfect....just working mornings...time to craft in the afternoons!!

  17. Look foward to seeing DD's completed project! Sorting buttons by colour... there's an idea. I usually just chuck them all in together then tip them all out to find what I am looking for... have I been doing it wrong?

  18. Lovely cards grea space you have and what a cutie helper too!
    Have a crafty day

  19. Nice place and oh.. lovely buttons ! Nice working girl ;-)

  20. lovely to see your little girl joining in bless her. Lovely cards and a great space you have. Have a wonderful evening, Tracy Evans x

  21. Loving the buttons yummy! and the cards are looking super! (she is so cute!) what will the toilet roll turn into I wonder?

    love Dawn xx

  22. All looks very industrious (and well organised too) - love your WIP's..much tidier than I left my own.

  23. Great buttons and what a beautiful little crafty person I see too!

  24. I love buttons too. Your cute little crafter is left-handed I see - all the best people are ;)

  25. Kitchen table looks great ! Lots of stash there !

  26. Love your desk, especially the buttons and what a little cutie!

  27. Loved all the photos.....what wonderful chairs. I also loved your 'artist in the making' ...what a cutie she is

  28. Great photos - loving all those buttons
