Wednesday 16 June 2010

What's on your Workdesk Wednesday?

Afternoon All...Hope it is sunny where you are!
I have had a lovely morning with year 3/4 of my new school, walking to one of the local churches and learning about the sort of things that go on inside a church. Tescos shop on the way home and now I can show you What's on my workdesk!
I have started making some little Christmas Robins. The body is card and the red tummy is a button with the shank removed.

Also on my desk are some grey and pink off cuts from a corporate job and a card that I made for my friend who owns the small recruitment business. She sends out a Congrats on the new job card when she places someone in a position.

and now some photos of my garden. A before shot...

And now it looks like this...

We have blue lights in the decking which look fabulous at night.

Having decking all along the bottom instead of an edged circle has made the space so much more useable...We have removed lots of bushes and plan to take out another circle and lay turf instead. Looking forward to the summer holidays now.
Off to have some tea now and catch up with my family...Thanks for coming to visit!


  1. Oooooo Sally your garden looks fab...I see loads of good barbeques happening out there!!

  2. Cute robins, gorgeous garden too, Sally. What a lovely lovely idea your friend has to give new people cards - she must be great to work for (and I've known some bosses down the years that could take some advice from her!!!).

    Julie :o)

  3. Your robins are super cute Sally and your garden's looking just great- fab idea with the lights.

  4. Oh Sally please do not mention Christmas already!!!those robins are too cute!!! love all of your wonderful cards you have been making, sorry not to have popped in before now. So glad you sorted the wasps nest out without too much drama. Absolutely love your new decking, i am very envious!!! glad the new job is going well too hun. Big hugs Clare xxx

  5. Those robins are sooo cute! Garden is looking great too Sally, you must be really pleased. We are currently working on ours and its taking some time! Glad your morning went well at the new school and like me, you must be counting down the days and weeks now until the Summer term ends! LOL. Have a great day. Claire x

  6. Cute robins and lovely card. How nice is that for your new employer to send you a card. Love the decking
    Anne x

  7. Nooooooo - not Christmas yet, please! Hee hee, actually I think your robins are adorable!

    Nicki, xx

  8. Love the decking...
    Love the robins...
    Love the card you made....
    Lucky you to have to make those cards for her
    Hope your keeping well
    Caroline x x

  9. Love your robins :-)
    Your decking is brill.
    A x

  10. Well the garden was certainly worth the work - it looks fab. Bet you'll really get a lot of use from it now! As for the robins..I understand the need, but ow. They are great though, made me smile immediately!

  11. What a great garden transformation, and love your robins.

  12. Ooooh who'd have though a deck could make such a difference! Great idea. Those robins are brilliant. Leandra

  13. The robins are fab and your space is too !

  14. Loving your Robins and your decking looks great! S x

  15. Your card looks lovely and the sentiment very clear, and all good things going on in the garden, which is where I should be!

  16. oooohhh now you have a beautiful outside space to craft in :0)
    *hugs* Heather x

  17. what a perfect sitting and relaxing space!! need one of those ~got my eye on the boys play house space (they have so grown out of it now)..... can feel a hammer moment coming on!!!... can see that never happening ~the boys will suddenly start using it again
    vanessa xx

  18. Awww Sally this looks fabulous! A nice space to relax in after all your hard work at school! The weather is good right now so hope it holds in time for you to have a nice BBQ to celebrate :-) Dulcie xx
