Saturday 28 August 2010

What a 'Charming' Challenge!

Afternoon all...Is it sunny where you are? It's a lovely day here in West Sussex.
I've been lunching around a friends house and even sold a few cards.
I've got a card for you today. This is Wild Rose Studios gorgeous 'Louis bear with heart'.

He is good for 2 lovely challenges...
I love promarkers...Charming challenge. Use a charm on your card and of course use your promarkers.
Just Cute bears Challenge...use Pink and Brown.

The heart charms are from The Works and at 6 for a pound are great value.

So...Well Done to my commentors from yesterday. Quite a few of you knew we had gone to Cadury World in Birmingham. We are a family of chocolate lovers and we certainly ate quite a bit on the way round. Did you like the photo of the gorilla playing the drums? We also enjoyed going to the Bullring in the afternoon for a spot of shopping.
My last photo today relates to one of my awards where I had to post up a photo that I love...well it was obviously going to be one of my girls but this one of my eldest daughter on New Years Eve playing snowballs in Central Park, New York, is my favourite. Lovely!!!

Hope you have a great bank holiday weekend...Thanks for popping by. I'll be back again with some more photos of some days out and some more cards!


  1. Gorgeous card Sally - love the pink and brown together and I love this "Louis" stamp. Hugs, Claire x

  2. Hi Sally, gorgeous card with Louis ( I used him for the same challenge!) Lovely photo of your daughter - they're all very pretty girls. Cadbury World looks like somewhere I just have to take my granddaughter. Have a good weekend xx

  3. Gorgeous card Sally and the charm is lovely. Thanks for joining us at I ♥ ProMarkers.

  4. Adorable card and NYC looks very festively Christmas-y!!


  5. HI Sally
    I love your card and the colours it is so pretty.
    Thankyou for visiting me on my blog and leaving me a message, it was lovely to hear from you.
    Yes I can understand the challenging job you have at the moment but it can bring such lovely rewards when things go well and you see your children improve week on week and year on year. I had such wonderful support assistants and although I have left my school I am still in touch with some of them and will be going to a 50th birthday party soon for one of them. Keep up the good work.
    I was very interested in the photo of your daughter in central park, that's where I hope to be this coming new year. It is all booked and I am soooo looking forward to it.
    Hope you are having a good bankholiday weekend.
    Luv B xxxx

  6. Hi. Love your fresh colours which really suit your cute image. Thanks for playing along with us at I ♥ Promarkers.
    Tine :)

  7. Such a cute card, thank you for joining us at I♥Promarkers this week
    Ruth x

  8. Gorgeous little card Sally, love that sweet charm and the pretty papers too :O) Thanks for playing along with us on I ♥ Promarkers this week.

  9. A beautiful card Sally, lovely charm too. Thanks for joining us at I ♥ Promarkers.
    Julie x

  10. Aww gorgeous card! You've done a lovely job with Louis there :-) Aha so it was Cadbury World after all! There's nothing like a nice yummy bit of chocolate, mmm....might need to hit my own chocolate stash tonight ;-) Dulcie xx
