Friday 3 September 2010

Back to school...

Hello all...
I went back to work today. It was an INSET day at the school that I work in so no children today but lots to do... We have had new furniture and a new sink area and the walls have all been painted. It looks a bit bare and not very colourful at the moment.

I covered all the display boards ready for some lovely artwork to go up.
I have been busy this evening making some decoration for the pasta jars reward system. I am going to photograph them tomorrow so I can post them up.
Hope you can come back and visit me then....
I'm off to bed!


  1. I'm SURE you will soon have the new classroom looking more personal and colourful too.


  2. That looks like a lovely brightand sunny classroom! You will have it looking gorgeous in no time!!

  3. The pasta jars rewards scheme sounds interesting Sally. Is it complicated?
