Thursday 16 September 2010

Millie in the garden.

Hellloooo. I can't believe that I haven't managed to do a post this week.
Hope you are all still out there! I have been doing some card orders as well as doing some things for school.
My latest project is playing with paper piecing and gorgeous Millie Bear from Wild Rose Studio is perfect for this technique.

I bought these pretty square scallop cards from the Glitter Pot. I think they are very sweet.

I have lots of images stamped out so I am looking forward to the weekend!

Off to take the little one to swimming lessons rest for the wicked as they say!
Meet you back here again


  1. Ha.. I am just back from my wee ones lesson...finally got the armbands off!!
    Love this little bear!

  2. Love the paper piecing on Millie....a very sweet card.
    Such a busy life you have now,Sally....makes a big difference once you're working, doesn't it?

  3. Gorgeous image and beutifully coloured Sally - have a GREAT weekend


  4. Sooo pretty Sally! I love WRS and the little pink flower border is perfect xx

  5. Aww Sally this is v cute, I like the paper piecing on the dress etc. It's a fun technique, must try it more often... The little pink trimming is cute too. Hope you get more time for crafting soon! Dulcie x
