Sunday 24 October 2010

Craft fair and another christmas card...

Hi all...hope you had a good weekend.
I set up my cards at a craft fair on Saturday and here are some pictures for you.

There were quite a few other card makers there and we were a bit squashed in on top of one another. Pheonix cards opposite and behind me was a lady who was selling her cards for £ I was pleased to come away with a profit after I paid for the table!

Not sure if I will do many more of these as it's quite a lot of hassle setting up and then sitting around for a few hours. Probably do one more in December and then do a sale at home.

So onto my card for today...Wild Rose Studio Millie! Hope you aren't too fed up of her?!

This time in traditional red and green colours.

I'm entering this card into The Ribbon Girl Challenge#2..Red and green. It isn't essential that you use ribbon but they would love to see some if you can. Crafty Creations Challenge also have a colour theme this week...Red Green and Brown so my little Millie bear is just right.

So we are off school for the week..I certainly need to catch up with some housekeeping! Hope to do some blogging as well and have more cards to show you!
Thanks for popping by!xxx


  1. Another beautiful card Sally - could never get fed up of Millie! Glad you made a profit at the craft fair but sometimes I don't think people appreciate how much work goes into a handmade card and they want them for buttons, as they say! Enjoy your holiday - it's been a long half term!! xx

  2. Awww Millie is such a cutie!
    Well done on making a profit at the craft fair ... its always a tough selling ground! Your stall looked fab!

  3. Glad you did ok at the craft fair....Katina is right...people often seem to begrudge paying a reasonable price for a handmade card....but are happy to pay for mass produced ones in shops!!!
    Am loving all your Millie cards.
    Have a great school holiday.

  4. GORGEOUS cards Sally, I love the facial coloruing on your bear - he just looks so cheery.
    I used to do craft fayres too and got dispirited when I saw a schoolgirl selling her cards made from copier paper for 50 (mine were 1.20 at the time). I'm glad you made a profit though.


  5. Wowthr craft fair looked great set up! I think sitting around would drive me crazy too. you card is really sweet! Thanks for joining us at crafty creations this week! :-) Amy

  6. Thanks for entering Ribbon Girl challenge - Millie looks really cute! Good luck, Mary and Andrea
