Sunday 31 October 2010

Happy Halloween!

Hi all and Happy Halloween.
Just a few pics of my lovely neighbourhood who all opened their doors to my children and their friends with buckets of sweets this evening. How good is this pumpkin?
Outside some new occupants to our little Close.

My eldest made some yummy cakes with help from Tigger(Little one's class mascot, who has been with us for half term).

My little one (on the right) with her friend.

My eldest(the red devil) and her friend.

Hope you had a good evening...I'm back to work tomorrow so must get things in order and get into bed now...pop back soon!

1 comment:

  1. Some fabby photos - looks like everyone enjoyed themselves. We sompletely missed Halloween Trick or Treaters as we went to the beach instead!! only to meet up with a bunny girl, Captain Jack Sparrow and a vampire . . . on the beach!!!!!!!!

    Welcome to November, Sally, hope your back to work day goes well.

