Friday 15 October 2010

I love Promarkers...Cupcakes!!!!

Hi all. Thank Crunchie it's Friday!
I have been struggling all week with a sore throat and runny nose. Feeling better tonight as I have some girlfriends over for a chinese and a few drinkies! Over at the I love promarkers challenge the theme is 'Cupcakes' so Fergus is out again.

Coloured with promarkers, of course, Wild Rose Studios, Fergus and his huge Cupcake!

I carried on with the bunting as I am loving it...and added some red organza ribbon.

Background paper also from Wild Rose Studio.

I've put my name down for a stall at a local Craft fair next Saturday and am panicking that I haven't made enough new it too early to buy Christmas ones...I may bring that box out as well ,only 10 new ones made so far!
Not had any spare time recently...
Good news though as my contract at school has been extended until March and then I guess it's going to be all about the budgets!
Must away now to light some candles and clear away the kids tea things ready for a girly gossip!!! Thanks for popping by....


  1. A gorgeous wonder you're keeping on with the looks so lovely.
    Sorry about the 'cold' have had something similar enjoy this evening.

  2. Lovely card Sally...hope you are feeling better soon x
    Enjoy your girly evening!

  3. Good luck with your craft fair next week , gorgeous card too, lovely colours...


  4. That bunting really does make your super card extra special, Sally. So sorry to hear you are struggling with a bug, hope the Chinese will sort it out for you.
    When you've a mo, pop over to my blog and check out the piccies - might give you an idea for your 2011 itinery!!!!


  5. Fab colouring Sally, and I love the bunting across the top. Fab card. Thanks for joining us this week at I ♥ Promarkers.
    Tine :)

  6. Hi Sally
    Hope you're keeping well. Where is your craft fair?
    Well done on the extension of your contract at school that's fab.
    I am loving your cards with the bunting how cool are they..
    Big hugs Caroline x x

  7. a card to make anyone smile ~hope you enjoyed your girly night ~ and are feeling better
    vanessa xx

  8. Fergus is just gorgeous. Love the card, the bunting looks fabulous. Thanks for taking part at I ♥ Promarkers this week.

  9. Wonderful card, love the flags, thank you for joining us at I♥Promarkers this week
    Ruth x
