Monday 27 December 2010

Baby Jesus...

Hello dear bloggers and followers....
Just a quick few lines to say..Hope you all had a fabulous time over the last few days with family and friends....
I had a lovely time with my family and my brother at my sister's house. We all ate and drank far too much. Home now to the putting away and the washing.
The card I am showing you today is a a traditionally inspired childrens card from an issue of 'Beautiful Cards' a few years ago.

I'm really looking forward now to the New Year and some 'Spring cleaning!
I love having a clear out and getting all my new bits and bobs out....First stop the bathrooms to get all my new bubble baths and perfumes out on display, then the wardrobe...must have a clear out in there!
Happy New Year!


  1. Glad you had a lovely christmas,Sally....sounds like you've a few new bits and pieces to find room for.

  2. I think I must have been to the same place for christmas then (how come I missed you!) as I had too much to eat and drink too! Good luck with squeezing all your new bits and pieces in and for sorting our your wardrobe.

    HAPPY NEW YEAR to you and your family Sally


  3. I remember this card so well Sally - love it! Have got all my bubble baths sorted and it's lovely having a different one to use every day. Can't face the wardrobe just yet!! xx
