Saturday 4 December 2010

I've been soooo busy....

Hello guys...
A late post this evening as I have had a marathon making day....
I saw the idea for these tree trims on 'Glitter me silly' blog and got to work punching scallops and circles and rooting through my christmas box using up those little stickers and embellishments that have been hanging about for a few years.

They have Elizabeth Shaw chocolate mints sandwiched inside...

I have about 40 made so far but I am going to make some more to put on my tree and to take to my sister's for her tree. I found out her colours this year which are pink, lime green, turquoise and purple. I think they would be popular for the teachers at school as well and may give them out instead of doing cards...
I have also made 21 christmas tree toppers, which will be mounted tomorrow and 7 cards today! Will show you those later....and finally my snowy view yesterday...

I couldn't believe the difference when I woke up this morning....It's all gone now!
Hope you have kept safe and warm!
Thanks for stopping by and pop back soon..


  1. Ours has all been washed away as well.
    I saw those on Caryn's blog as well...think it's a brilliant idea.

  2. What a super fun idea (like chocolate money when I was little!) and very creative Sally. Love your snowy scene too - to look at anyway! Ours has gone too, to be replaced by freezing fog this morning!! Yikes, when will it end?

    Take care out there


  3. These are fab Sally and a brilliant idea! xx
