Sunday 20 February 2011

I was tagged....

Hi all...
I was tagged in the week...sorry it has taken so long to post it up..I find it so difficult to decide who to pass them on to.

1. You have been tagged...Do you want to accept? I sure do!
Create a post on your blog and post the blog photo.

2. Link back to the person who gave you the award...Thank you Racheal!

3. Choose 3-5 of your favourite blogs and link these in your post and tell the lucky people they have been tagged.

As the aim of this award is to bring unknown good blogs to light try not to tag people with thousands of followers.

Right so the tricky part was that I had to trawl around as quite a few of you have already received this award....but here are the lovely ladies I would like to pas this on to....
1. Mandy at

2. Jacky at

3. Lucy at

I'll be back soon with some more cards and chat!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for this,Sally.....I promise I really will try and get it onto my blog!!!!
