Friday 11 March 2011

A couple of displays to show...

Good Evening peeps...
My cold is gone now...just a little bit of a sore throat left.
I have been cardmaking and have a few to show you this weekend but first just wanted to share some of the displays that I have been keeping me very busy at school.

World Book Day is in the planning stage and more Pirates...oh yes they ARRGH!!
See you back here


  1. Fab display of piccies - your class are lucky to have your artistic talent. So glad to hear that your cold has finally taken flight

    Happy Saturday


  2. oh what fun ~ bet your school is so proud to have you on board!! just an inspiration for all the children and staff too!!
    vanessa xx

  3. Hi Sally, fabulous displays (used to be one of my favourite things to do when I had a class) just like giant cards really, lol! Glad your cold is easing off. xx

  4. Eeeek - how fab is that pirate ship?! Love it :)
    Leann x

    Oh and as for Beautiful Eric...he's so...ooops, my mind kinda wandered a little then. Sigh... ;)
