Sunday 18 March 2012

Happy Mothers day!

Hi all...
Just wanted to pop on here and share another 
Mothers day card and hope that all the mums around the world have enjoyed a little bit of pampering today...

I started the day quite early with a cup of tea and a tin of chocolates from my daughters, then we set off to watch my eight year old sing in the school choir at a special Mothers day service in our local Church.
The children sang beautifully and then handed out posies of flowers...
Yesterday our school choir competed in the Chichester Music festival and won the Primary School Choir category...
They really are excellent!
 The rest of my day consisted of a little bit of crafting and then out for some food in Smith 'N' Western...Ribs and Chicken...Yummy!

 Relaxing now with some TV before bed and then another busy week...
Thanks for popping by..


  1. Smashing card, Happy Mothers Day. Your choice of restaurant sounds fab.

    Greetings from sunny Florida!!!


  2. Glad you've had a lovely Mothers Day,Sally.
