Thursday 12 July 2012

The Tortoise and the Hare...

Evening all
Time is not on my side at the moment.
Another week since my last card, but I do have a little something crafty to share with you today.

A new school display on the theme of The tortoise and the hare.

The new year 3's have come for their day visit and were read the story in class, with discussion afterwards focussing on perseverence, never giving up how ever long it takes.
Then they wrote a goal for the new school year on a stone along the path.

  Lots more displays on the go at school....and as children and hubby are out this Saturday I may get some cards made!

Thanks for visiting my little blog!


1 comment:

  1. your work shows that how much professional you are and i really like all your collection and please add some art work for PVC cards it will be helpful for me.
