Thursday 4 April 2013

Mega Spring Cardmaking weekend...

Hi there all...
Are you all chocced out? 
We've still got loads left in this house. Almost been too busy to sit and eat them.
I took my eldest daughter up to the O2 to see One Direction on Tuesday. We had a great time on Oxford Street shopping before hand too.
I'm now clearing out bedrooms as same daughter had a new bed and we're giving her double to youngest daughter.
So we're going the whole hog and re-decorating too.
New bedlinen, curtains and new colour on the walls.
A bit more of a grown up look...

So onto some cards and a little while ago a friend gave me an unwanted paper and embellishment set that was given to her daughter from a recent cardmaking magazine...
so I set about one Saturday to a mega craft session...

In progress..bit of a mess!
I added ribbon and made tags with sentiments...
Used some flowers and my leaf punch...

and here's the end result on Sunday afternoon.
About 20 cards made...some of which are going to back to my friend!
I may show a few of these close up in the future...
Here's one for you now...

I love this blue/pink/lime combo and the birdcages and butterflies!

Some challenges...

Papertake Weekly...Anything Goes
Divas by Design...Spring Colours
Lets Craft and Create...Anything Goes

Hope you are still having Spring inspiration...difficult when it's sleeting outside.
It's very cold in West Sussex and we have had some hail today.

Off out now to get some Lavender paint...

Please leave me a comment...I love them so much!



  1. Good heavens! You HAVE been busy haven't you? What a super selection, Sally.

    DIdn't get any Easter choccie - well a shared bag of mini eggs doesn't really count, does it?

    Happy Thursday


  2. Goodness Sally, you have been busy, what amazing creations and just love the colours. I'm in the middle of decorating too and have just given my youngest (13) a new look grown up bedroom too in a vintage shabby chic style and she loves it. Have a lovely evening. Hugs, Claire x

  3. Gosh bet you were shattered afterwards they all look so colourful
    Hugs Kate xx

  4. Wow!! they are all lovely xx

  5. A lovely selection,Sally....and it sounds like you've been very busy this holiday.
    Sleet here today as well....I am so fed up with winter!!!

  6. Your card looks amazing and you have been very busy. The colours look great together. Thanks for joining in our challenge over at Let's Craft and Create.

  7. Oh my, a mega session right enough! And all totally gorgeous,

    Liz x

  8. Wow, such a lot of pretty cards.
    Thank you for joining us at Divas by Design this week.
    Sarah-Jane xx
