Tuesday 23 April 2013

So many Circles....

Hi there...
I've been a bit quiet on the cardmaking front due to work.
So not a card to show you but my latest  Display project for school!

 My brief was to create a display that showed all 12 of our school values. 
It needed to include our school colour...Burgundy and
have a religious/symbolic link.

I used my bigshot to punch out circles in 5 different colours.
Burgundy, Plum, Claret, Lilac and Spring Green.
40 circles approx per bunch of grapes.

Once put together in bunches, I chalked them to give them some depth and add highlights.
Cut out the values and added them.

Wire covered in crepe paper for the vines...
Leaves drawn with chalks and photocopied.

I'm really pleased with how it turned out!
I hope this counts! 
Thanks for stopping by.
More cards soon..I hope!




  1. OMG Sally, this is an amazing display and must have taken you ages - especially all of those circles. I hope it stays on that display for a while! Hugs, Claire x

  2. Hi Sally, your displays are always so amazing. Really love this one!

    thank you for your lovely comment on my blog today. Unfortunately I'd have to make 90 of the bookmarks as I work with three classes at school, so although I'd love to, it would just take far too long! I quite often make bookmarks for the children I work with in small groups, especially if they need encouragement to do more reading at home. :)

