Thursday 29 October 2009

Susie Sugar's New 'Sassy' DT and some challenges..

Good Morning ....What a lot to chat about today!!!
Have you heard the news?

I was one of the lucky girls chosen by Susie Sugar to be on her design team for her new 'Susie's Sassy challenge'. Along with 3 other new designers:

You can link to their blogs on my side bar.

The challenge will run every 2 weeks starting Thursday 5th November and will be a big prize of £50 worth of kit...If you know Susie's wonderful shop it wil be a fabulous collection of crafty things.
Starting from December the prize for the first challenge will be a Guest DT spot and the second challenge winner will get more yummy stash.
So I will let you know more details on that and have links set up in the next few days. I can't wait to get going and be part of this wonderful team!

So onto my card today which was another order and fits into a couple of challenges;
1. My time to Craft Challenge ...the theme is 'Rip it up'...I ripped the waves.
2. Alphabet challenge...B is for ..BLUE. I hope the Big Blue sea will count.

I have visitors today so I am off to entertain...see you soon!


  1. The big Blue sea certainly does count hun, what a lovely card, makes me long for the summer! Many thanks for joining in with the Alphabet challenge this week :)

  2. great take on this weeks challenge at MTTC well done Hugs x

  3. Many congrats on the DT spot,Sally.Love the've caught a real feeling of movement.

  4. Great card Sally, love the sailing boats, thanks for joining in the MTTC challenge this week.

    Pat xx

  5. Congratulations with the DT place!!! Your work will be a great inspiration for other crafters!!

    Saskia :)

  6. gorgeous sailing card - thank you for joining in MTTC and the alphabet challenge this week x

  7. Hiya!
    Lovely card, you are right it is a small world!
    I would love to be able to live in Shinfield and be closer to where I work.

  8. Congrats on your DT spot. Superb bit of tearing on your card, it's very effective!Thanks for sharing in MTTC challenge this week.

  9. Fab cards and great waves! Thanks for taking part in the MTTC challenge xx

  10. Meant to say thanks for taking part in the Alphabet Challene too lol xx
