Wednesday 28 October 2009

What's on your desk Wednesday?

View to the left.

view from above.

View to the right.
Oh dear...whichever way you look at it.....It's still a mess!
So, what is on my desk this Wednesday? I've been doing some reindeer christmas cards, so flowers and buttons, Wild Rose Studio reindeer image and handmade paper.
My button box is an old Partylite votive box and it still has the beautiful smell of the candles when I open it.

And here is one of the finished cards. As there are 4 images to a page, I have been making them all up and just putting a different little accent at the bottom next to the greeting.

This one was flowers but I have buttons and a star and jewell on the others.

So ...It's getting dark...girls are in and getting in the bath. My Cousin is coming across from Bournemouth for a visit tomorrow with her little ones and my Aunt so we are looking forward to having them here for lunch.
Hope your christmas crafting is coming along...Thanks for dropping by...please leave a kind comment!


  1. Great desk Sally ....its not a mess its a work in progress, and anyway this looks to me like the desk of a gal with a very creative mind !!!
    Thanks for letting me have a rumage round your space
    Hugs Susie xx

  2. Oh how fab are these cards .. and how much funky stuff you have on it... FAB

  3. Oooooo such loveliness on your desk!! Your button box reminds me of my childhood. x

  4. That's given me an idea... I have a button box downstairs with my sewing gear,(which I do very little of these days) why don't I bring it upstairs to my craft room and use them for my cards.
    Rather tidy desk I'm sad to see, but lovely work has been produced I must say!

  5. LOVE your desk today ... from every angle ... Way to go Sally ... you just cannot create such beautiful cards on a tidy desk ... it just does n't work :0)

  6. Mess is always a sign that something creative is going on and boy is there, love this little reindeer card and I can see an angel lurking in the background lol.

  7. I love that reindeer, he's so sweet. Lovely card.

  8. Can't believe that any crafter can work without a fact I'm sure your desk is less messy than most.The reindeer cards look great.

  9. Such Sweet Cards and your desk is creative clutter lol

  10. Loving your desk today, so much going on. Your button box is gorgeous. Mine are all in a huge tin but it was my Mums button tin so sentmetality every time I open it stops me sorting them :)

  11. What a gloriously busy desk you have - and the flowers - well they look fab all strewn about!

  12. Hi Sally...I love this design it Frosted Lace stickles that you've used on the saddle/antlers etc? It looks really effective.. Dulc xx
