Saturday 5 December 2009

Crafty Chicks in the Christmas barn....

Welcome to 'The Crafty Chicks Christmas Barn Sale'.

Three friends who all get together and sell their craft items in a Barn.
Come and have a look round.

We have all been so busy, sewing and sticking and painting!

We were open two evenings this week from 6pm til 9pm.......

On sale were Handmade cards (made by me), Bunting, Pottery Cupcakes, Wreaths and garlands, Tree trims and silk hearts, Aprons and Jewellery!

We served mulled wine and mince pies and had a great time!!!
Thanks for stopping by...Lots of cards to show you so pop back again soon!


  1. Wow! This looks fab!! Wish I was closer and I would have popped in to spend some money! The barn looks very cosy and all those lovely handmade goodies look so tempting! Thanks for your message on my blog regarding the Brussels prize, I know how busy you are at the moment so please don't worry.

  2. What a fab place to sell your cards, wish there was something like this near me! Hope you did well, your cards look so well laid out in the lovely baskets and stands. xx

  3. Looks like a fab time was had by all - those cup cakes looked good enough to eat!!!

  4. Wow what a great idea! Looks fab!!

  5. Looks wonderful....hope you sold loads.

  6. wow ,,, this is just fantastic ! :-)

    lols x x x

  7. Wow how wonderful! And all of that was just made by three ladies?! Gosh you've been busy!! Hope it went well for you all. Dulcie x
