Sunday 6 December 2009

A little Bird house in your soul....

I was asked by one of the teachers for a 'New Home' card for someone moving house last week so as I had all the Christmas things out I had a little idea of a birdhouse with a little Robin inside.
I bought this gorgeous little bird stamp earlier this year at the Brighton Show and once he was coloured in with some traditional Robin colours, he looked very much at home in his red and green house.
This photo was taken very early Friday morning just before I had to pack up all my cards so as it was quite dark and I was short on time I didn't do any close ups.

I had a lovely surprise comment on Friday from Georgia at the Crafty Calendar Challenge blog to say I had one a £10 Voucher to spend at Nicola's 'Bunny-Zoe's store' as a prize for winning the November challenge....Thanks so much!
A little early christmas pressie for me then!!!

Thanks for all the lovely comments...hope you come and visit me again!!
Bye for now...


  1. Aww, what a cutie!
    Well done on winning the challenge - Enjoy your shopping!

  2. Really cute card Sally
    Hugs Susie xx
