Sunday 20 December 2009


OH MY GOODNESS.....How lovely to be back with my DT card for Susie's Sassy Challenge, which was due on Thursday!
Computer is back but we are not expecting it to last too much longer and I think another new hardrive wil be installed in the New Year but until then I'm happy to be blogging and shopping and generally knowing what's going on in the Big Wide World.

So first of all, Susie's challenge is 'A touch of Gold!
I made this card using some background paper sent to me by Jane..(cupboard under the stairs)and some DCWV flowers. The centres from glitter card were the leftover cuts from a butterfly wing die.

The final flourish sequins and padded butterflies!
Do join in with us and let us come and view your creations....

Last picture Christmas tree!
I'm feeling a bit more Christmassy now that school has finished and my shopping is almost done.
I was at the cinema on Friday night with my two bestest mates and out with hubby and other Sussex refs last night for a few drinks. Tonight I am sending girls to bed early and finishing the pressie wrapping!
Last bit of news...Martha Stewart doily lace edge punch has arrived from Simon says stamp Challenge...It's so gorgeous!!!
So good to be back...please come visit and leave me a comment!
Bye for now...♥


  1. The tree looks stunning,Sally....a beautiful photo.
    Hope you get all your wrapping done...I finally finished mine yesterday.

  2. Love your tree!
    We still have 3 days of school left!Its gonna be a bit of a rush to get stuff done...and they don't go back til the 11th!!!

  3. Fab card Sally, Love your tree. Thanks for my lovely card.
    Merry Christmas
    Tracy x
