Monday 21 December 2009

Little Donkeys...

Hi all...
I have been out this afternoon to a little gathering...eaten some sausage rolls and had a good old natter. The girls enjoyed spending time with their friends.
Some of the quieter roads are like ice rinks so I am glad to be back inside in the warm now and showing you one of my cards made last week.
Simple request...two donkeys kissing!

But personal orders are never that easy. The donkeys had to be drawn by hand. I coloured them with PM's and then cut them out. The sprig of mistletoe was from a free stamp set that came with a mag...years ago! Customer was very happy...phew!

This award was given to me from Denise at 'Stamping Vacation' for my simple button card which I posted up just before I went off Thank you Denise for picking my card as one of your top 3 and for the lovely comments from your followers.
Last few Cd's arrived in the post today so more wrapping tonight...
Please leave me a comment and have a lovely evening!!!
Come back soon....

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sally love your donkeys they look so cute having a kiss under the mistletoe and congratulations on winning top3 from Denise.
    Love n hugs
    Vikki xx
