Monday 25 January 2010

Ice-cream dream...

Good Afternoon Ladies...
Hope you are all having a nice day..
I have been slobbing watching TV with my little one who is off school with a cold...I am also feeling bit under the weather so it's duvets on the sofa kinda day.
I've got some more cupcakes to show you but this time I have sneaked in a Strawberry Ice cream cone.
Crazy 4 Challenges have the theme 'Pretty in Pink'...Hope there's enough pink !!!

Same layout as before...tall thin card with layered circle mats and some seed bead sprinkles.
The background paper is a real favourite of mine...bought from Lakeland a few years ago it was a bargain at £1.50 for 20 sheets and I have one sheet left.
It had 4 co-ordinating designs in soft pinks, lilacs and apple green.

I have done a little bit of cardmaking today but not really done much so I am feeling a bit sluggish and sleepy...Not Good!
I am out tonight with 4 girlfriends for a meal to celebrate two of them having birthdays....Hope I stay awake!
Thanks for stopping by...pop back soon for more cards and chat!...BYE....

1 comment:

  1. Do love the cupcakes you're doing at the moment...and the cone looks delicious as well..not surprised they sell well.
    Brighton is next weekend [first weekend of Feb]...if you change your mind about going,do let me know...not sure which day I'll go yet.
