Tuesday 26 January 2010

Last of the cupcakes!

Good afternoon all...
Two at once today of the cupcake themed cards!

Pink and Blue....

and Chocolate Cherry....
I have made up quite a few now in different colours but I won't bore you with them all...something different next time...I promise!

I am enjoying using these long/tall cards and have made a few commissions with them today!
Most of my personal orders request that I put the recipients name on their card so they are great for this!

Magnolia INK magazine dropped through my door yesterday...so many lovely cards!
I am going to be working with my Magnolia stamps to try to come up with something interesting...Well done to Susie and Tab who both have stunning projects featured.
I have been practising with my Martha Stewart Doily punch and think I have it mastered now...Thanks to DawnyP for some tips!

I'm back at school tomorrow and probably having a visit from my NVQ assessor this week! More writing!! Pop back soon!


  1. Mmmmmmmmmm cupcakes - now I feel hungry! Super selection Sally

  2. I received a blog award earlier in the week and had to pass it to ten people. (I can't put the picture in my post it's on the sidebar.)
    I have awarded it to blogs i have found inspirational and/or created truly gorgeous cards!
    Well done your'e one of them!
