Monday 8 February 2010

Flower picker Tilda....

Hello peeps!
I have had a full on cardmaking day playing with Wild Rose Studio's new range of stamps and papers...gorgeous ladies and cute dogs and sheep! There are even some co-ordinating brads!!
I didn't get them photographed today but fingers crossed for tomorrow morning.
So how about a Tilda card...

Coloured with promarkers...I chalked the edges to give a soft look!

Susie sent me the image and the die cut scallop mount in a DT pack! I added the butterflies just coz I love little insect extras!
Have you all seen the Magnolia mag? cute are those Pirates?
I feel a shop coming on! I would have loved to have gone to Brighton but I was out selling on Saturday and then hubby was at work all day daughter had a friend for a sleepover and another had gone out for a just gets too complicated! Don't forget to come back and check out some of my Wild Rose Studio cards...see you later!


  1. This is so pretty Sally. I can almost hear the bees buzzing in the background. Lx

  2. Hi Sally, Such a sweet Tilda card!

    Lisa x

  3. Lovely Tilda card,Sally. Look forward to seeing your Wild Rose cards.
    Had an enjoyable day at Brighton....and managed to add to my stash a bit....surprise, surprise!!

  4. Hi Sally! Love the card :-) Thanks for your nice comment too! I'm looking forward to seeing what you've made with the new stuff! Dulcie xx
