Wednesday 10 February 2010

Aww...Cute puppy stamp!

Hello guys...the first of my new Wild Rose Studio cards.
I told you they were cute...
Now I don't have any pets....(One husband and 2 children is enough for me)....but as I live near the seaside and in fairly rural countyside most of my friends have dogs!
We had a 'Lassie' Collie when I was a little girl who was the most wonderful dog in the I think I can say that this is going to be a very popular stamp.

Such a joy to colour in! The papers are available now in colour co-ordinated packs and there are brads to match.

I added a green button with some twine. The sentiment is also from a WRS stamp set which has cute little paw prints on...
More cute stuff tomorrow as it's a new DT card for Susie's Sassy Challenge!
See you then....


  1. A gorgeous card,Sally...and the new WR stamps and papers look great.

  2. Adorable image and a lovely card Sally

  3. What a cutie! Lovely card. Yummy button. Lauren x

  4. Aww glad you like this one! Lovely card, I like the decoupaging to make it stand out :-) I think you're right, it was the first design to sell out at the demo :-) (though it was the main demo stamp so I guess it makes sense!) Lol at your 'they need a good meal' comment on my blog - I'll feed any new ladies a bit more first before letting them loose ;-) Dulc xx
