Thursday 11 February 2010

Susie's Sassy Challenge #8...hearts and flowers!

Hello all...
My card today is a DT card for Susie's Sassy Challenge where the theme is 'Hearts and Flowers'...just in time for Valentines day.
We have been sponsored this time by Jolande at Cards etc shop

This cute doggie holding a heart is just one of a couple of designs that we were given to work with. I decided to use pink and added a jewel brad with ribbon and glitter to my heart.
The papers are from the Wild Rose Studio Spring CD which I just love!

I have been in school again all day today and now I have to take the girls to swimming classes....arghhhhh!
I might get to sit down and have some tea once they are in bed at 8pm.
I'm off to get changed now into 'something more comfortable'... for sitting by the side of a hot swimming pool.
I am looking forward to the weekend as girls are at sleepovers on Sunday night and hubby and I are going to pictures to see 'Sherlock Holmes' and then out for a Chinese! Next week will be good as it is Half term. Yey...
Come back soon for more cards and chat from me. Bye for now!


  1. Perfect for a Valentines the glittery effect on the heart.
    Have a great time Sunday evening....we went to see Sherlock Holmes....and really enjoyed it.
    I assume you've missed the snow....we had 5 inches again last night....roll on Spring!!

  2. Hi Sally, Gorgeous card! Love the papers and cute image.

    Lisa x

  3. That pink glitter is really sassy , you must have loads of patience doing all that cutting out still it was worth it
    sorry I didnt get over here to comment before now xx
