Saturday 27 March 2010

Beautiful butterflies...

Good afternoon to you all...
I have been spring cleaning today...first the garden and then little ones bedroom.
The second one wasn't planned. She was ill yesterday and didn't go to school, then 3am this morning ...a little voice woke me up.."Mummy, I've been sick!"
So there has been a full onslaught of washing, cleaning and tidying. She is fine now!

My card today is a Penny Black hedgie having fun with the butterflies!

The background paper is by Dovecraft and is from a designer pack called 'Wild Blossom'. This also has butterflies on it.

I layered up lots of flowers with a brad and added some leaves and ribbon for extra detail!
I'm linking this card to the following challenges:
1. Penny Black Saturday Challenge...'Butterflies and Bees'
2. Charisma cardz...'Spring has sprung'
3. Flutterby Wednesday...Open challenge but you must have a Butterfly or Fairy.
4. Quirky Crafts...'Flowers'

I'm out tonight at a school fundraising 'Quiz and Chips' night with a Disco!
Should be fun... Thanks for stopping by!
Have a great Saturday Night!


  1. Gorgeous card, the butterflies....and the flowers are lovely layered up like that.
    Now the weather is warmer have been spring cleaning our conservatory...tends to be a dumping ground in winter......but all ready to use again now.
    Enjoy your evening.

  2. Gorgeous card love the colours
    have a good night
    Christine x

  3. aw, one of my favourite Penny Blacks!! (i had him as a swap, must get the stamp!!) Love your flowery paper and your flower is fabulous and your hedgie!!
    thank you for joining Quirky Craft's flower challenge!!

  4. Wow you've been busy!
    We are just starting some decorating now we are on easter hols.........can't really be bothered tho!lol
    Have a good night!

  5. Beautiful card Sally, love how you have coloured in the background and everything is just delightful.

  6. Just love that Penny Black stamp and your card is gorgeous. Thanks for playing along with Quirky Crafts flower challenge.

  7. adorable sally and I love those pretty papers.....thanks for joining in the fun this week at PBSC ...hugs kath xxxx

  8. Such a sweet, happy card! Thanks for playing along with my flutter by challenge!

  9. Aww Sally sorry to hear that your little one has been ill! Hope she is all better now. lol at your comment and I think you are completely right, it's just a case of the body saying 'time to rest now!' I am so bad at doing that :-) Funny that you can tell even at a distance, you must be a good mum ;-)
    Dulcie x

  10. Gorgeous card! I love your attention to detail!

  11. I am always amazed that anyone manages to get any crafting done when they have little ones - but your card is beautiful - get you!

  12. Beautiful flower and your colours are perfect. Thanks for joining us at Quirky Crafts.

  13. Beautiful card! Makes me smile - so bright and cheerful. Love the colours too.
