Monday 29 March 2010

School Production props!

Hi card to show today, but thought I would share with you the bridge and the animals that I made for the production of 'Peace Child' at school last week.

The Bridge and the Crocodile were made from old cardboard boxes!
It's been 'Art day' at school today so I have been helping with handprints and sewing! Lovely!!
More cards tomorrow!
Have a good evening!


  1. Wow, they're fabulous! I especially like your crocodile! Bet that was fun to be involved with the kids!

  2. You are very talented... all the animals are so good, the elephant was my favourite... The bridge and stream look great too. Hope you enjoyed the production. Diane x

  3. How fun! The props look great. My 2nd grader was just in her school play. Fun stuff.
