Wednesday 21 July 2010

A French wedding card....

Bonjour mes amies!(is that how you write it?)
How are you all...I can't believe it is nearly a week since my last post...I used to be able to post something every day!!!That's what going to work does for you.
So here is a card order for an August wedding in France where the theme is 'sunflowers and Lavender'. How lovely!!

Sizzix champagne glasses filled with bead bubbles and a bit of sparkle...

The sunflowers are Mulberry bush, I think, and I drew and coloured the lavender sprays.

Just enough room to personalise with the bride and grooms names.

So this week has been Year 6 leavers Assembly and yearbooks, photographs with teachers, buying wine and chocolates, buying new dresses for End of year Dinner dances and Discos.
Clearing classrooms and of course making cards!! This is still on going so I am away to get the girls organised.
Hope I will have something suitable to show you me back here soon.


  1. That's such a pretty card Sally.


  2. What a gorgeous card Sally - you sound as busy as me doing exactly the same - looking forward to Friday though and 6 weeks off! Hugs, Claire x

  3. Beautiful card! The sunflower and lavender theme is so lovely yet so french! Those champagne bubbles are fab!
    Have a wonderful summer break.
    Keryn x
