Friday 20 August 2010

My little one is 7 today!

Hello all....
We are awash with cake and pressies today as we celebrate my youngest daughters seventh birthday. Here she is with her caterpillar cake. Party this weekend with 18 little friends.

On the craft front, I was asked to make a tag to go on a pile of childrens books.
I love this cute Sizzix owl and thought that he would be suitable.
Charisma cardz challenge is 'Die Cuts' this week so this fits in nicely and
By the cute and girly challenge for August is 'Animal Antics'.

It is for a little one year old girl so lots of pretty pinks.

I added a corner with swirls and punched flowers with bead centres.
Here it is with the ribbon attached.

I have a few more orders in the pipeline that I can post up later...
Hope you are all enjoying the kids being at home.
Thanks for visiting....TTFN..xxxxx


  1. Oh Happy Birthday to your daughter - I hope she's enjoying her day.

    Fab birthday projects from you too - bet the party's going well


  2. Happy Birthday to her...hope she's had a lovely day.

  3. Happy Birthday to your daughter and well sone to her very talented mummy - this is FAB!! xx

  4. Happy Birthday to your gorgeous daughter .... though it sounds like you're going to have a VERY busy weekend!

  5. Happy Birthday to your beautiful daughter :)
    I love the card! The owl is just fantastic! Thank you for joining us over at BTC&G and good luck! X

  6. Hi Sally, me agsin. I have left something for you on my blog xx

  7. Pop over to my blog - I have something for you


  8. Bless - hope she enjoyed her party and birthday!
    Love the tag, how cute is that owl?!
    Hugs x

  9. OH...what a lovely idea!! sweet :0)...thanks for joining us at BTC&G...Debs x
