Tuesday 24 August 2010

Two awards for ME?

Afternoon All...
What a lovely surprise. I have logged on after a few days away to find 2 lovely blog awards waiting for me...
This 'One lovely blog' award is from Katina Killey who was a fellow designer with me at 'Beautiful cards' magazine, (Such a shame it is no longer going), so Thank you for thinking of me.
I have to pass this on to 7 others with lovely blogs. Now I believe when it comes to blog friends that its 'Quality not Quantity' as who can keep up with thousands of On-line friends. I certainly can't so I have a few select ladies who I know comment on my posts and whose blogs I look forward to reading and we exchange regular banter....
So I pass this to:
ZOE...Crafty Heaven.
JANE...The cupboard under the stairs.
HANNAH...Crafty Han.
SUSIE...Sassy designs/Die cut Dreams.
JANE...Millies Marvels.
Thank you ladies...You are an inspiration to me!

My second Award is from KathyK, a Craftbubble friend who has not long become a blogger!
I have to do a few things with this award...
1. Thank the person who gave you the award...Thank you, Kathy.
2. Post with pride...Done
3. List 3 things you love about yourself.... Easy going Nature, Being Creative, Honest/Trustworthy.
4. Post a picture you love...Will have to look through the Archives and pop it up in the next post...Watch this space.
5. Tag 5 other bloggers with this award.
As before...I love these blogs and look at them whevever I log on...Thanks Girls!
DENISE..The Crafty Den
LYN...Spyders corner
LEANNE...Leannes ramblings
KATINA...Katina Killy
MANDY...Little Space of my own.
I'm not going to link their blogs to their names as you can find them all on my side bar.
I will be back with more chat very soon....
Love and hugs xxxxxxxxx


  1. Woo Hoo - you go away for a couple of days and look what you come back to - well done to you Sally.


  2. Well done,Sally, you deserve them....and thank you.

  3. You totally desrve your awards Sally and thank you so much for mine. I'm chuffed to bits! x

  4. Thanks darling you#re a star
    Hope you're keeping well
    Thank you for thinking of me Hugs Susie xx

  5. Thanks for thinking of me Sally it's truly appreciated!x
    Are you all recovered from the birthday celebrations!?

  6. Aaaaaaw, thank you Sally!
    Hugs x

  7. congrats on your awards!!
    very special photo of your daughters birthday!!..super cute book tag too
    thanks for sharing
    vanessa xx

  8. Hi Sally, thanks for the lovely award. I'll be adding to my blog as soon as I can. Hope you are ok? Hugs, Denise x

  9. Aww thank you sooo much Sally - you are so sweet and I will wear it with pride straight away. And congrats to you for getting it in the first place Huggiest of hugs, Dawny xxx

  10. Thanks so much Sally for my award, it really cheered me up as I am still not well :-(.
    I will add it to my blog today.

  11. You're racking up these awards Sally, I've left you another on my blog

