
Tuesday, 3 February 2009

BACK TO NORMAL....Whatever that is?

There were a couple of sad little faces this morning as I logged onto the School website to see the newsflash......SCHOOL OPEN TODAY. The snowy fairytale adventure had ended after just one day. So back to the normal running around trying to find things and then as we were crunching down the road we had still forgotten a Guitar and a P.E Kit. (Big Sigh) even I feel a bit sad that we are back into the humdrum routine. So back out in a bit...

Time for a cup of tea and a couple of phone calls. I went to College last week to enrol on a Teaching support NVQ, so just checking some details about that. I have been volunteering in school for 4 years doing various arts and craft lessons/display boards, so it's about time I get a qualification while the brain is still willing. The ones shown are in a year 1/2 classroom where they are learning about 'Building'.

I have a Market meeting tomorrow morning in the next village so need to check that it's still on.

Hoping to get some crafting done today.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, excellent displays Sally. I've done lots of displays in school too but they never looked like those! Good luck with the course, its a daudle.
